Fixing a Waterlogged Pressure Tank: Symptoms, Draining & Repair

Fixing a Waterlogged Pressure Tank: Symptoms, Draining & Repair. In today’s article, will explore with you in the most detailed and complete way. See now!

Identifying a Waterlogged Pressure Tank

A pressure tank is an essential component of a well water system, responsible for storing water and maintaining consistent pressure. When a pressure tank becomes waterlogged, it means that the air space inside the tank has been replaced with water. This situation prevents the tank from performing its role correctly, leading to problems like low water pressure and a well pump running frequently.

Here are some telltale signs of a waterlogged pressure tank:

  • Frequent well pump cycling: If you hear your well pump turning on and off frequently, especially when using water, it’s a strong indicator that your pressure tank might be waterlogged.
  • Low water pressure: Experiencing a noticeable drop in water pressure at faucets, showers, or appliances is another red flag.
  • Gurgling or rattling sounds: These noises coming from the pressure tank could indicate that water is moving within the tank instead of air, which is a sign of waterlogging.
  • Visible water in the pressure gauge: If you see water inside the pressure gauge, it’s a clear sign that your tank is waterlogged.

Understanding the Problem
The pressure tank is designed to store a volume of water under pressure, providing a cushion against rapid pressure changes. Inside the tank, a bladder (or diaphragm) separates the water from air. When you turn on a faucet, the water pressure drops. The pressure switch, which is set to a specific pressure range, activates the well pump to replenish the water supply. This cycle continues until the desired pressure is reached.

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However, if the pressure tank becomes waterlogged, the bladder is compromised, and the air space is filled with water. This means the tank can’t efficiently cushion pressure changes, causing frequent pump cycling and low water pressure.

Fixing a Waterlogged Pressure Tank: Symptoms, Draining & Repair

How to Drain a Waterlogged Pressure Tank

Draining a waterlogged pressure tank is the first step to fixing the problem. It’s a fairly straightforward procedure, but safety precautions are essential.

Before You Start:

  • Turn off the power to the well pump: Safety is paramount! Always disconnect the power to the well pump before working on the pressure tank.
  • Release pressure from the system: Locate the pressure relief valve on the pressure tank (usually a small valve near the top). Open the valve slowly to release any remaining pressure in the system.
  • Wear safety gear: Wear gloves and eye protection to protect yourself from potential hazards.

Here’s how to drain the tank:

  • Locate the drain valve: Most pressure tanks have a drain valve located at the bottom of the tank.
  • Open the drain valve: Open the valve slowly to allow water to drain out of the tank.
  • Direct the water: Make sure to direct the water away from your foundation or any sensitive areas.

Alternative draining methods:

  • Siphoning: If your tank doesn’t have a drain valve, you can use a siphon to remove the water.

Inspecting the Pressure Tank for Damage

Once the tank is drained, it’s important to inspect for any damage that might have contributed to the waterlogging.

Here are some common types of damage:

  • Corrosion: Corrosion is a natural process that can weaken the tank’s metal over time, leading to leaks.
  • Leaks: Leaks can occur at the drain valve, the pressure relief valve, or even through cracks in the tank itself.
  • Cracks: Cracks can develop due to pressure changes, corrosion, or physical damage.

Assessing the damage:

  • Look for visible signs: Examine the tank carefully for any visible signs of damage, such as corrosion, leaks, or cracks.
  • Check for leaks: Look for water dripping or pooling around the tank, indicating a leak.

Decision Time:

Based on the damage you find, you need to decide whether to repair or replace the pressure tank.

  • Repair: If the damage is minor, such as a small leak at the drain valve, you can repair it.
  • Replace: If the tank shows extensive corrosion, large cracks, or leaks that cannot be easily repaired, it’s best to replace the entire pressure tank.
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Repairing or Replacing the Pressure Tank

Repairing the Pressure Tank:

  • Patching leaks: Small leaks can often be patched using specialized sealant products or epoxy. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Replacing damaged parts: If the drain valve, pressure relief valve, or other components are damaged, you may need to replace them.

Replacing the Pressure Tank:

  • Choosing the right tank: When choosing a replacement pressure tank, consider the size and capacity you need for your home’s water needs.
  • Installing the new tank: The installation process involves disconnecting the old tank, connecting the new tank, and properly setting the pressure switch.

Important Note: If you’re not comfortable with DIY repairs, it’s best to consult a qualified plumber for help.

Recharging the System

After you’ve repaired or replaced the pressure tank, you need to recharge the system with air.

  • Adding air: Use an air compressor to add air to the pressure tank. The amount of air required will depend on the tank’s size and the desired pressure setting.
  • Setting the pressure switch: The pressure switch controls the well pump’s operation. You need to adjust the pressure switch to the correct settings based on your water system’s requirements.

Remember: It’s crucial to add air to the tank regularly to maintain the correct air-to-water ratio for optimal performance.

Testing the System

Once you’ve recharged the system, you need to test it to make sure it’s working correctly.

  • Check for water pressure: Turn on multiple faucets throughout your home and observe the water pressure. You should have consistent water pressure throughout.
  • Monitor pump cycling: Observe the well pump cycling. It should only turn on and off as needed to maintain pressure, not frequently.

If everything works as it should, congratulations! You’ve successfully fixed your waterlogged pressure tank.

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Preventing Future Waterlogging

Regular maintenance is key to preventing waterlogging in your pressure tank and ensuring long-term performance.

  • Regular inspections: Inspect your pressure tank regularly for signs of corrosion, leaks, or damage.
  • Proper air charging: Make sure to add air to the tank regularly to maintain the correct air-to-water ratio.
  • Leak detection: Immediately address any leaks you discover, no matter how small they may seem.
  • Professional maintenance: Consider having a qualified plumber inspect and maintain your well water system annually to ensure it’s operating safely and efficiently.


What are the causes of waterlogging in a pressure tank?

Waterlogging in a pressure tank can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Bladder failure: The bladder inside the tank can fail, leading to water entering the air space.
  • Leaks: Leaks in the tank can cause water to seep into the air space, eventually replacing the air.
  • Improper maintenance: If the pressure tank isn’t properly maintained (such as not adding air regularly), water can eventually replace the air.

How often should I check the air pressure in my pressure tank?

It’s best to check the air pressure in your pressure tank every 3-6 months to ensure it’s at the correct level.

How do I know what the correct pressure setting is for my pressure switch?

The correct pressure setting for your pressure switch depends on the size and capacity of your pressure tank and the specific requirements of your water system.

What happens if I don’t fix a waterlogged pressure tank?

If you don’t fix a waterlogged pressure tank, it can lead to:

  • Frequent pump cycling: This can shorten the lifespan of your well pump.
  • Low water pressure: You may experience low water pressure, making it difficult to use appliances and fixtures.
  • System failure: In extreme cases, waterlogging can cause the entire well water system to fail.

What should I do if I suspect my pressure tank is waterlogged?

If you suspect that your pressure tank is waterlogged, it’s best to contact a qualified plumber for inspection and repair. They can assess the situation, identify the cause of the waterlogging, and provide the necessary solution.


Fixing a waterlogged pressure tank is essential for maintaining a reliable and efficient water system. By following these steps, you can identify, drain, repair or replace, and recharge your pressure tank. Remember, regular maintenance is key to preventing waterlogging and keeping your water system running smoothly for years to come.

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