Fix Water Heater Pilot Light: Relight & Troubleshooting Guide

Fix Water Heater Pilot Light: Relight & Troubleshooting Guide. In today’s article, will explore with you in the most detailed and complete way. See now!

How to Relight a Water Heater Pilot Light

A water heater relies on a pilot light to ignite the gas burner, providing hot water. If the pilot light goes out, you’ll need to relight it. While it sounds simple, it’s important to take safety precautions and follow the proper steps to do it correctly. Here’s how to relight your water heater pilot light:

  1. Safety First: Before you begin, make sure to turn off the gas supply to the water heater. This is crucial for your safety and prevents any potential accidents. It’s also a good idea to ensure the area is well-ventilated and have a long-handled lighter or match ready.

  2. Locate the Pilot Light: Look for the pilot light on the water heater. It’s usually located near the burner and has a small opening. You’ll also see the pilot button next to it.

  3. Ignite the Pilot: Use your lighter or match to ignite the pilot light, aiming the flame towards the pilot opening. It’s important to be careful and avoid touching the pilot light opening with your hand.

  4. Hold the Pilot Button: Once the pilot light is ignited, press and hold the pilot button down. This action allows the thermocouple to heat up. The thermocouple is a safety device that detects the pilot flame and keeps the gas flowing. You’ll usually need to hold the pilot button down for 30 to 60 seconds.

  5. Release the Button: After the recommended time, slowly release the pilot button. The flame should continue to burn steadily. If the pilot light goes out again, try holding the button down for a longer period, ensuring the thermocouple heats up properly.

  6. Check the Flame: If the pilot light stays lit, check the flame. It should be small, steady, and blue. If the flame is weak, flickering, or yellow, you may need to adjust the pilot flame using the pilot adjustment screw, which is typically found near the pilot light opening.

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Fix Water Heater Pilot Light: Relight & Troubleshooting Guide

Understanding the Pilot Light and Thermocouple

A water heater uses a pilot light to ignite the gas burner, which in turn heats the water. This pilot light is a small, continuous flame that stays lit constantly. The pilot light ignites the burner when the gas valve opens. The thermocouple is a safety device that is connected to the pilot light. It’s a metal rod that converts heat energy from the pilot light into electricity. The electrical signal from the thermocouple is then sent to the gas valve to keep the gas supply flowing as long as the pilot light remains lit.

Here’s how the system works:

  • When the gas valve is opened, gas flows to the pilot light.
  • The pilot light ignites the gas, creating a small, steady flame.
  • The thermocouple senses the heat from the pilot light and generates electricity.
  • The electrical signal from the thermocouple tells the gas valve to keep the gas flow to the burner constant.

If the pilot light goes out, the thermocouple no longer generates electricity, and the gas valve shuts off the gas supply, stopping the burner from working. This is a safety feature that prevents the flow of gas if the pilot light is not working properly.

Troubleshooting Common Water Heater Pilot Light Problems

If you’ve followed the steps above and your pilot light still won’t stay lit, you’ll need to troubleshoot the issue. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Gas Supply Issues: Make sure the gas valve is fully open. If you suspect a gas leak in the gas line, immediately contact a professional plumber.
  • Thermocouple Problems: A dirty or clogged thermocouple will not generate electricity properly. Clean it with fine sandpaper or steel wool. If the thermocouple is damaged, it needs to be replaced. You can test the thermocouple for continuity using a multimeter. If it’s not working, it’s likely damaged and needs to be replaced.
  • Clogged Pilot Light Opening: Check the pilot light opening for any spider webs, dust, or debris. Remove any obstructions using a small brush or a vacuum cleaner.
  • Adjusting the Pilot Flame: If the pilot flame is too weak or too large, you can adjust it using the pilot adjustment screw. This is usually found near the pilot light opening. Turn the screw clockwise to increase the flame and counter-clockwise to decrease it.
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Preventive Maintenance for Your Water Heater

Regular maintenance can help prevent future issues with your water heater pilot light. Here are some preventive maintenance tips:

  • Inspect the Pilot Light: Regularly check the pilot light to make sure it’s burning steadily.
  • Clean the Thermocouple: Clean the thermocouple with fine sandpaper or steel wool to remove any buildup.
  • Check for Gas Leaks: If you suspect a gas leak, contact a professional plumber immediately.
  • Inspect the Gas Line: Check the gas line for any signs of damage or corrosion.
  • Clean the Pilot Light Opening: Clean the pilot light opening to remove any debris.
  • Check the Gas Valve: Make sure the gas valve is operating correctly.
  • Check the Water Heater Venting: Ensure that the venting is not blocked or damaged.

When to Call a Professional

While many basic repairs can be done yourself, there are times when it’s best to call a professional plumber. Here are some situations where you should contact a professional:

  • Gas Leaks: Never attempt to fix a gas leak yourself. Contact a professional plumber immediately.
  • Persistent Pilot Light Issues: If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and the pilot light still won’t stay lit, it’s best to call a professional.
  • Water Heater Age or Condition: If your water heater is old or showing signs of wear and tear, it’s a good idea to have it inspected by a professional.

Additional Resources and Information

I understand you’re looking for more information about your water heater and how to fix a water heater pilot light. I always recommend using reputable resources for the best and most accurate information. You can find additional information on websites like:

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FAQs about Fixing a Water Heater Pilot Light

What if the Pilot Light Won’t Stay Lit After I Release the Pilot Button?

This is a common issue that indicates the thermocouple is not properly heating up and sending the necessary signal to the gas valve. Hold the pilot button down for a longer time to ensure the thermocouple heats up sufficiently. If it still doesn’t stay lit, check the thermocouple for any obstructions or damage.

Why Does My Water Heater Keep Running Out of Hot Water?

This could be due to several factors, including a clogged pilot light opening, a dirty or damaged thermocouple, or a low gas supply. First, check for these issues. If the problem persists, it could indicate a larger issue with the water heater or the gas supply and it’s best to contact a professional.

Is It Safe to Work on a Gas Appliance Myself?

It’s always best to err on the side of caution when working with gas appliances. If you’re not comfortable working with gas, it’s best to contact a professional plumber. They have the expertise and safety equipment to handle gas appliances safely.

What is the Best Way to Check if My Water Heater Has a Gas Leak?

The most reliable way to detect a gas leak is to use a gas leak detector. You can purchase one at most hardware stores. If you suspect a gas leak, immediately open windows and doors for ventilation and contact a professional plumber.

What Happens if the Pilot Light Goes Out and I Don’t Relight It?

If the pilot light goes out and you don’t relight it, the thermocouple will not generate electricity, and the gas valve will shut off the gas supply. This will prevent the water heater from heating any more water.


Fixing a water heater pilot light doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By understanding the basics of how the system works and following the proper safety precautions, you can often relight the pilot light yourself. If you’re not comfortable working with gas, it’s best to contact a professional plumber. For more information on plumbing, electrical systems, and other home maintenance topics, visit our website at Don’t hesitate to share your experiences or ask any questions you may have in the comments section below. I’m happy to help!